Weird Connection

I started to read Equus and the list in the front of the original cast in the first New York production distracted me to the point that I never got around to reading the play. On the list was Anthony Hopkins, who by the way is awesome. But for some reason I can’t picture his face, even though I know perfectly well what he looks like. EVERY TIME I try to picture him, John Lithgow’s face is the one that pops into my head. I know John Lithgow mainly as Dick Solomon, so every time I try to picture Hannibal Lecter, I picture Dick Solomon and his blissfully stupid grin. My brain does odd things, occasionally.

Day 30-Favorite Song From Scream

On The Edge

A lot of the songs on this album fail epicly in the good-use-of-the-English-language department. But this one doesn’t. :) Plus it’s pretty.

This blog challenge thingy didn’t ask for Favorite Song From Zimmer 483, but if it had, I’d have said “Stich ins Glück,” which is the original German version of “On the Edge.” In fact, I think I’ll stick that in here, too. :)

Day 29-Favorite English Song From Humanoid

Down On You
Ignore the slide show of random pics and just enjoy the song. :D

Day 28-Picture Where All Of The Boys Look Really Good

Day 27-Favorite German Song From Humanoid

Geisterfahrer <3

Day 26-A Picture of the Boys that Makes You Smile

Day 25-Post Whatever You Want of Them (:

Splashy Twins. :)

Day 24-A Video of the Boys that Makes You Smile

I can’t embed THTV episodes, but here’s a link to one that makes me giggle:

Episode 50: Root Beer and Big Cinema on KIIS FM

Day 23-Favorite of Bill’s Outfits

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Casual!Bill wins. :D

Have I tooooooold you lately that I love you?

Day 22-Picture of Gustav’s Ass That Makes You Go O.O

He’s bootylicious, yaknow. :)

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