Day 21-Favorite of Georg’s Hair Lengths

I’m going to take this opportunity to revisit the “Favorite Picture of Georg” pic. :)

Day 20-Favorite of Bill’s Hairstyles

It’s not that I think Bill’s hair is just so awful that he should keep it covered. I love his hair. But I just think he looks REALLY GOOD in this hat. :)

I have so many pics in this hat. This hat and flannel shirts. Bill should rock this look ALL THE TIME.

Day 19-A Picture That Makes You Look At Bill’s Pants and Go O.O

This one was hard to choose. There are SO MANY. There’s either WHOAHOLYCROTCHBULDGE or just horrible pants.

You may have to click for a bigger version to fully fathom the O.O -ish nature of this picture. For me, it’s like O.O for a sec, before transforming into >.< rofl.

Bill, if you’re gonna wear such tight pants, undies are a must. XD

Day 18-Favorite Song from Schrei

Ich Bin Nich’ Ich

Feel free to ignore the slide show of lyrics and completely random pictures. :/ lol.

Day 17-Favorite Picture of Devilish <3

For those who don’t know who happen across this, Tokio Hotel was once (a very long time ago) known as Devilish. Give the kids a break they were little. English words were just cool back then. Kinda like how Americans get random Japanese characters tattooed onto them. Anyway, look at the little baby boys. :D

Aww. Look how tiny Gustav was. <3

Day 16-Post Whatever You Want of Them. <3 (i.e. Make Fun of Tom)

Sometimes, the boys speak English very well. Other times, I think Tom just forgets the English language altogether. A gem of an example: “I hate if somebody try to create something that you don’t are.” You know what I hate? That what he actually means to say is a good thing, but I can’t help but LOL at it. XD

Another amusing Tom moment came at a meet and greet thing. Some one asked him to say to the camera “I love Ludo.” Tom’s reply: “But I don’t love Ludo. Maybe he’s a ugly man or something.” My friend Amy and I like to spell things the way Tom pronounces them. Maybe that’s mean? But when we quote this moment, it’s something like “BAD I DON LOB LUDO. MEBBY HEZ A AHGLY MEN OR SAHMSING.”

I’m sorry I make fun of his English fails. I know it isn’t nice. I really am a terrible person. Getting entertainment at his expense. I won’t even tell you how hard I laughed at the macros making fun of the time he beat up a girl. I’M SORRY. THEY WERE FUNNY. Even though the situation was SO NOT.

Day 15-Favorite Live Performance

I’m fond of two EMA performances. :) Not my favorite songs by any means, but I like to watch the performances. They put on an all right show. <3

EMA 2007 – Monsoon

EMA 2009 – World Behind My Wall

Day 14-Favorite Magazine Photo Shoot

Stern. :)

Day 13-Favorite Picture of the Gs

Georg and Gustav

Day 12-Favorite Macro

Wow. HOW am I supposed to decide? I love them all so much.

This came from the Herp Derp Tokio Hotel tumblr. I didn't make it. Because I'm not that cool.

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